"Refurbisment of Sport Hall in Mojkovac"
EuropeAid/131194/L/ACT/ME-CRIS No:2011/274-406/04
The Municipallity of Mojkovac intends to award a works contract for refurbishment of Sport hall in Mojkovac, with financial assistence from the European Union and the Goverment of Montenegro, in accordance with the rules of IPA programme.
The tender dossier is published on the website of the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro: http://www.uom.co.me/?page_id=1507.
The deadline for submission of tenders is 12 july 2012.10:00 am.
Possible additional information or clairifications/questions shall be published on the website of the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro: http://www.uom.co.me/?page_id=1507
"Rekonstrukcija sportske hale u Mojkovcu"
EuropeAid/131194/L/ACT/ME-CRIS No:2011/274-406/04
Opština Mojkovac raspisuje Konkurs za sklapanje ugovora za izvođenje radova za rekonstrukciju sportske hale u Mojkovcu, sa finansijskom podrškom Evropske unije i Vlade Crne Gore, u skladu sa pravilima IPA programa. Tenderski dosije je objavljen na sajtu Zajednice opština Crne Gore: http://www.uom.co.me/?page_id=1507.
Rok za dostavu ponuda je 12. jul 2012. godine do 10:00 časova.
Eventualne dodatne informacije ili pojašnjenja/pitanja biće objavljeni na sjatu Zajednice opština Crne Gore: http://www.uom.co.me/?page_id=1507.